After she quit her job as Head of HR in 2008, she travelled in Indonesia and was profoundly touched by the Balinese culture of offerings. These “offerings baskets” are a symbol that invites all of us to consider our own abilities to contribute, through benevolent acts, to nourish Life and make the world a better place.
Once back in France, she founded and directed a non-profit organization called “Sokasi Banten” until 2017. She took the decision to create her own business and to leave the corporate world behind her.
In order to spread the richness of Balinese culture, she wrote with the spiritual guidance of I Made Yasa the book “Bali, Offerings Island”, which is available upon request.
Voeux 2020 : « Place au rêve : je visualise le film de mon année idéale ! »
Les Echos
23 décembre 2019
La sagesse balinaise guérit en profondeur, par Frederika Van Ingen
Médecines Extraordinaires, Juin 2019
« Bien choisir ses mots », par Frederika Van Ingen
Psychologies Magazine, Février 2019
Le Portrait – Catherine Chouard
Les Echos , 23 janvier 2009
She made conribution to several published work about managment (Click on each cover page to learn more)
Ce que les peuples racines ont à nous dire – Frederika Van Ingen
Éditions LLL, 2020
À quoi ressemblera la fonction RH demain?
Éditions Dunod, 2014
Tous reconnu – Jean-Marc Peretti
Éditions Eyrolles, 2005
Tous différents – Jean-Marc Peretti
Éditions Eyrolles, 2006
Le DRH du 3ème millénaire
Éditions Village Mondial, 2007
Le Grand Livre du Coaching
Éditions Eyrolles, 2008
Émission « Signes Particuliers »
Rfi, 14 janvier 2009
Journal Inattendu – Catherine Chouard
RTL, 19 juin 2010